Renewal Membership

Methods of Payment

Membership dues may be paid using any of the following methods:

  1. Online credit card
  2. Credit card (faxable form)
    • Credit Card Payment Form (2021 faxable form)

      To pay by credit card (faxable form), print out the Credit Card Payment Information Form, fill in the requested information, and fax (or airmail) the form to the JSPP Office.

  3. International postal order (Payable to the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists)
  4. International Giro postal transfer (Postal account No.: 01030-5-31696/JSPP)

Student Verification

Students who wish to become members should print out the Student Verification Form, fill in the requested information, and fax (or airmail) the form to the JSPP Office. The Student Verification Form is included on the Credit Card Payment Information Form.