Plant & Cell Physiology
2016 Vol.57 (12)
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Molecular mechanisms during graft-union processes.
Auxin plays a role to induce cell proliferation during graft-union processes, however the molecular mechanism has not yet been clarified. In this issue, Matsuoka et al. (on pp. 2620—2631) report that auxin promotes cell proliferation of vascular tissue via the upregulation of ANAC071/ANAC096 and expansion of cortex cells by promoting gibberellin biosynthesis during graft attachment in Arabidopsis hypocotyls.
The cover image shows a confocal optical section of an mPS-PI-stained graft-union zone at 7 days after grafting (dag), left, and a false-color 3D model of the graft-union zone at 7 dag, right. Images supplied by Keita Matsuoka (Department of Biosciences, Teikyo University, Japan).
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