Plant & Cell Physiology
2019 vol60 (6)

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This month’s special focus issue, organized by Yonghua Li-Beisson and Hajime Wada (see accompanying editorial on pp. 1161–1163), showcases the latest studies emerging from the field of plant and algal lipids, as discussed at the 2018 International Symposium on Plant Lipids. The issue includes four invited reviews and six research papers that highlight the wide-ranging impact of plant and algae lipids on growth and development.
The cover image shows leafy shoots (gametophores) of the bryophyte Physcomitrella patens (left panel) that comprise a stem, leaf-like organs (phyllids), and root-like organs (rhizoids), including one gametophore, which carries a sporophyte with a mature spore capsule (dark sphere); image supplied by Jasmin Goemann (University of Goettingen, Germany). Also shown are developing seeds of Crambe abyssinica (right panel; photographed by Li-Hua Zhu, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden); and a confocal microscopy image of lipid droplets in a nitrogen-deprived Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cell (at 3 d; top right hand corner). The cell was stained with BODIPY, and the following pseudo colours were used: green (lipid droplet); red (chlorophyll). Photo taken by Fantao Kong (CEA Cadarache, France) using a Zeiss LSM780 confocal microscope.
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