Plant & Cell Physiology
2019 vol60 (10)

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ROOT UV-B SENSITIVE4 (RUS4) encodes a protein with no known function that contains a conserved Domain of Unknown Function 647 motif. On pp. 2293-2330, Zhao et al. have characterised RUS4 knockdown and overexpression lines in Arabidopsis, and report that RUS4 may act redundantly with other genes to affect the expression of secondary cell wall biosynthetic genes to promote secondary thickening of the anther endothecium.
The cover images show stamens stained for secondary thickening with acridine orange/ ethidium bromide and visualized by confocal microscopy. Top, Arabidopsis wild-type anther showing a lignified endothecium layer (left), and an artificial microRNA knockdown RUS4 line (referred to as amiR-RUS4) anther showing only a few lignified endothecium cells (right). Bottom, the filaments of wild-type (left) and amiR-RUS4 (right). Image(s) supplied by Shu-Qing Zhao (Shanxi University, China).
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