Plastids and mitochondria are the endosymbiotically-derived powerhouses of plant cells and are vital for sustaining not just plant life but all complex life on Earth. Traditionally, these organelles have been difficult to analyze and manipulate but recent technological advances are providing the opportunity to probe their hidden characteristics and alter their properties for crop amelioration purposes (e.g. to promote photosynthesis, respiration, and ultimately yield).
This special issue focuses on the latest advances in understanding the complex, multilayered regulation of these organelles, and is edited by ‘Shin-Ichi Arimura, Iris Finkemeier, Kristina Kühn, and Mizuki Takenaka. The issue features seven reviews and seven research articles exploring the latest findings on these enigmatic organellar genetic systems and their homeostasis, and highlighting the pertinent questions to be addressed in the future (see Editorial by Arimura et al.).
The cover image displays an artist’s impression of mitochondria (white structures) and chloroplasts (green structures). Artwork composition and image credit: Hiroko Uchida
PCP Gallery