一般社団法人 日本植物生理学会 The Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists

36th New Phytologist Symposium: Cell biology at the plant–microbe interface


2015/11/29 〜 2015/12/1


Eden Hotel Wolff, Munich, Germany


With recent advances in high resolution/throughput bioimaging we are gaining new insights into the cell biology mechanisms and pathways of plant cell interactions with diverse microbes. Therefore the symposium provides a timely and important opportunity to overview the application of these technologies to plant–microbe interactions, and to discuss recent discoveries emerging from diverse host–microbe interactions illustrating common underlying principles and differences of strategies used by the microbes to gain access to plant tissues/cells. The symposium will certainly trigger a wealth of discussions, exchange of findings and methodologies, and will promote new lines of research and ideas in this rapidly expanding field.

