植物代謝ポスドク募集 ウィスコンシン大学
2015/8/3 07:00 〜 2015/9/30 07:00
ウィスコンシン大学 マディソン校
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Postdoctoral Research Position
Investigation and Engineering of the Tyrosine Biosynthetic Pathway in Betalain-Producing Beta vulgaris (table beets)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
The aromatic amino acid tyrosine (Tyr) is an essential aromatic amino acid in the human diet and also serves as a key precursor of numerous plant natural products (e.g., alkaloid morphine, antioxidant vitamin E). Our long-term goal is to obtain fundamental knowledge of the plant Tyr pathway and to provide rational breeding and engineering strategies to enhance the production of Tyr and its derivatives in plants. The Hiroshi Maeda and Irwin Goldman laboratories at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are together looking for a highly-motivated scientist who will investigate the Tyr biosynthetic pathway in Beta vulgaris (table beets) as an experimental system. Table beets produce high levels of Tyr-derived alkaloid pigments, betalains, which are currently used as the major source of natural red food dye in the U.S., and also have antioxidant activities and a number of health-related properties. The successful candidate will use an integrated approach of biochemistry, molecular genetics, analytical chemistry, and cell biology to elucidate how Tyr biosynthesis contributes to overall production of Tyr-derived natural products (i.e., betalains). Initially, our unique table beet germplasm accumulating a wide range of betalains will be analyzed for biochemical and genetic variations of the Tyr pathway through chemical and transcriptome analyses. The obtained knowledge and genetic variations will then be utilized to engineer beets and other plants to improve the production of Tyr-derived natural products.
A candidate should hold, or be about to complete, a PhD in biochemistry, plant biology, genetics, or related field and should be able to work independently and also as a part of our research team. Prior skills in quantitative gene expression analysis, metabolite quantification using LC-MS and/or GC-MS, and enzyme assays are desirable. However, the most important qualification is that a candidate has critical thinking skills and is willing and motivated to learn new techniques and approaches. Also, she/he is expected to coordinate with other lab members to create a research environment that is efficient and pleasant. Interested applicants should send a single pdf document including 1) cover letter, 2) CV, 3) two to three pages statement of research interests and future goals, 4) three representative publications, and 5) names and contact information of three references to Hiroshi Maeda (maeda2@wisc.edu).
Hiroshi Maeda (maeda2@wisc.edu, 608-262-5833),
Department of Botany, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
1575 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706
Irwin Goldman (ilgoldma@wisc.edu, 608-262-7781)
Department of Horticulture, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
430 Lincoln Drive, Madison, WI 53706
Postdoctoral Research Position
Investigation and Engineering of the Tyrosine Biosynthetic Pathway in Betalain-Producing Beta vulgaris (table beets)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
The aromatic amino acid tyrosine (Tyr) is an essential aromatic amino acid in the human diet and also serves as a key precursor of numerous plant natural products (e.g., alkaloid morphine, antioxidant vitamin E). Our long-term goal is to obtain fundamental knowledge of the plant Tyr pathway and to provide rational breeding and engineering strategies to enhance the production of Tyr and its derivatives in plants. The Hiroshi Maeda and Irwin Goldman laboratories at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are together looking for a highly-motivated scientist who will investigate the Tyr biosynthetic pathway in Beta vulgaris (table beets) as an experimental system. Table beets produce high levels of Tyr-derived alkaloid pigments, betalains, which are currently used as the major source of natural red food dye in the U.S., and also have antioxidant activities and a number of health-related properties. The successful candidate will use an integrated approach of biochemistry, molecular genetics, analytical chemistry, and cell biology to elucidate how Tyr biosynthesis contributes to overall production of Tyr-derived natural products (i.e., betalains). Initially, our unique table beet germplasm accumulating a wide range of betalains will be analyzed for biochemical and genetic variations of the Tyr pathway through chemical and transcriptome analyses. The obtained knowledge and genetic variations will then be utilized to engineer beets and other plants to improve the production of Tyr-derived natural products.
A candidate should hold, or be about to complete, a PhD in biochemistry, plant biology, genetics, or related field and should be able to work independently and also as a part of our research team. Prior skills in quantitative gene expression analysis, metabolite quantification using LC-MS and/or GC-MS, and enzyme assays are desirable. However, the most important qualification is that a candidate has critical thinking skills and is willing and motivated to learn new techniques and approaches. Also, she/he is expected to coordinate with other lab members to create a research environment that is efficient and pleasant. Interested applicants should send a single pdf document including 1) cover letter, 2) CV, 3) two to three pages statement of research interests and future goals, 4) three representative publications, and 5) names and contact information of three references to Hiroshi Maeda (maeda2@wisc.edu).
Hiroshi Maeda (maeda2@wisc.edu, 608-262-5833),
Department of Botany, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
1575 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706
Irwin Goldman (ilgoldma@wisc.edu, 608-262-7781)
Department of Horticulture, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
430 Lincoln Drive, Madison, WI 53706
ウィスコンシン大学 マディソン校
University of Wisconsin-Madison
前田 宏 (Hiroshi Maeda)
TEL: +1-608-262-5833
FAX: +1-608-262-7509
e-mail: maeda2@wisc.edu