Membership fee payment(via credit card)

  • Please carefully review the details of membership types and fees on Membership type before making payment.
  • The society's fiscal year runs from January to December. Even if you join mid-year, the membership fee for the entire year is required, and the membership is valid until December.
  • If your payment status is unclear, please contact the JSPP Office via E-mail ( for confirmation.

Payment by credit card

Annual membership fee is non-refundable and non-transferable under any circumstances.

Please fill out the necessary information ( required fields) and click "Proceed to Confirmation".
Please enter information to the required fields and click the "Submit" button. ( required field.)
NameEx.) John A Smith
Please do NOT use non-alphabetical characters at the "Name" field (e.g., []().,&).
Member IDEx.)123456
AffiliationEx.)** Univ Grad School of ***, *** Lab
If you have no affiliation, please enter 'NO'.
Please do NOT use non-alphabetical characters at the "Affiliation" field (e.g., []().,&).
Maximum 50 characters (incl. spaces).
e-mail (for confirmation)Please enter your e-mail address again for confirmation.
Annual membership fee
Fiscal yearThe society's fiscal year runs from January to December. Even if you join mid-year, the membership fee for the entire year is required, and the membership is valid until December.
Membership fee to be paid
(Student only) Student VerificationStudent who wish to become a member should submit a certificate verifying student status.
Please click the check box if you have already submitted your student certification. If you have not yet submitted it, please submit it first and then pay the membership fee.
Please find more detailed information from here.